Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

الألفاظ السياسية و تطورها الدلالي في الجزائر

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dc.contributor.author بوخلخال عبد الله
dc.contributor.author سلطان اليزيد
dc.contributor.author جامعة قسنطينة1
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T07:54:53Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T07:54:53Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/3329
dc.description 490 ورقة.
dc.description.abstract The stand on the field of semantic words requires effort and an important mastering in linguistics, from the knowledge of the origin of language and idiomatic concept that can trace the history of its creation, monitoring the evolution of semantics, on the grounds that show the evolution of language and vocabulary, and because of the evolution of society and life in general, without forgetting the political mobility. It was so important to keep track of the semantic evolution of political words chosen, that have been widely spread over the period between 1989 and the context of 2000. The research began with an introduction, I tried to explain it through the pillars that make up the scientific linguistic research, while the first chapter was interested in the pronunciation and meaning. So I consider this step as necessary to introduce the topic of semantic evolution. The relationship between the pronunciation and meaning is actually a complex language issue whose domain is large, it was not an easy attempt in this chapter,so,I began with a question why pronunciation and meaning were interesting in ancient and modern study? So I defined the pronunciation and meaning, before the launch of the opinion of the ancient philosophers and, through the fundamentalist Arab linguists and rhetoricians, ending with views of the modernists. So I decided to choose this chapter as a starting point for my research. The second chapter focuses on monitoring the semantic evolution of words, and before I wanted to clarify the meaning of the words most commonly used and show their synonyms, to put in evidence hundreds of words and to highlight the meaning and derivation. . This chapter is considered the heart of the research, as it appears in whole 287pages, where we have shown the meaning and richness of our Arabic. It is not only the "sword" or "lion" that have dozens of synonyms, but many words have a wide and extensive field, such as: brutal with dozens of synonyms provided:, horrible, terrible, huge, is not civilized, barbarian, hard, cruel, violent, rude, , vicious, dangerous ... and also the term "mercy" has several synonyms. However, the third part includes a culmination of semantic fields, political words, preferring the semantic definition of the field and how it is perceived by the Arabs and many modern linguists, and the presentation of the theory of semantic field before dividing the word into three groups, namely: 1 / The group indicating ideology and thought. 2 / The group showing the violence and crime. 3 / group indicating peace and reconciliation. With application to a large number of them, using the linguistic root then derivatives of linguistic roots and synonym and antonym words conclusive to establish a form of lexical database. Thus, research has revealed a number of results, some of which are described below: Research has revealed through texts extrapolation of documents and data and content of political discourse, the presence of new words that have connotations that are not known or widespread in Arabic through lexical use and it turned out that these words have their importance and their own sphere, but have taken a new turn, using them in the political field, including: The term "front" which means the place of prostration of the head, the star, the master (front of his people), and the front lines (the front of the fight), it became a clear political connotation meaning "political party" (National Liberation Front and the Islamic salvation Front (FIS) ...) The emergence of new non-genuine words, including "Chakorist" a word that does not exist at all in the Arabic dictionaries, which are the result of the crisis of the vehicle between the Algerian dialect, and French and "Chakor" means knife used in the murder and intimidation.Thus the word Chakorist has became acceptable and known by all Algerians, also Khanjrist, and Alaslahoin close to reform, reformer. I found through research, many political words whose semantic field has not been changed, and have maintained their originality, including: the election and the Shura Council, while there had been many other words that have experienced a semantic evolution and therefore, they are no longer prisoners of their origins, such as: partisanism because the party is the group, supporters or sect, and the term "parties. "means the soldiers unbelieving people who had gathered to fight against the Prophet Muhammad and his followers in the battle of the trench. In speeches, I recorded changes by transmitting a number of words that are being studied, including: 1 / charter, its meaning has changed from "material" the perceived indicative of the rope to the moral constraint indicative of the Covenant and the contract (contract Rome). 2 / Transparency, whose meaning is past the dress that reveals what's behind A clarity in the policy. The research also examined the terms that have been narrowed or specification in the sense like the word "prince", which has several meanings such as the governor, the worker, the guardian or husband, and the meaning of this word raised in the Islamic era, with the launch of the Prophet evidence poems by Hassan ibn Thabit. Its meaning is reduced during the Algerian crisis in the years ninety and changed as never before, and it deteriorated to become a symbol of injustice and murder, and control command, then came forward many lords who symbolize the worst forms of violence and intimidation, to designate the leader of a terrorist group who lived in the mountain is surrounded by a number of his employees, under the control and monitoring of its commands and the executed decisions issued, the prince boss , the word in its meaning was to be confined to the emir of the terrorist group. And among linguistic phenomena Found in this research the emergence of different compound words which lead to the same significance as national reconciliation and civil concord. There is no doubt that the political words used extensively by the Algerians during the political crisis that rocked the country following the adoption of the political and media pluralism in 1989, especially among senior officials of the authority and politicians, leaders of different political groups and national organizations and the media, then appeared during the period between 1989 and 2000, the pronunciation verbally by different leaders of the Democratic Republic of Algeria, which deliberated on the rudder, and party leaders, in their speeches or their activities, with the mention of the data content of the leaders of armed Islamist groups. The media have also marked their presence through the use of these terms so numerous and rich.
dc.format 30 سم.
dc.language.iso ara
dc.title الألفاظ السياسية و تطورها الدلالي في الجزائر
dc.title 1989- 2000
dc.coverage 2نسخ موجودة في المكتبة المركزية

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