Afficher la notice abrégée بوخبوز, علا بوساحة, فريدة 2022-05-23T10:39:11Z 2022-05-23T10:39:11Z 2017-05-21
dc.description.abstract This thesis rhetorically examines a modern functional linguistic approach of “Intentionality and discourse multiplicity”. The main objective is the motivation of Arab researchers to initiate topics about cognitive language, its nature, its role in communicative events, and its effect on discourse creativity in order to produce and to understand the received discourse. In this study, we tried to emphasize the influence of intentionality on the cognitive language area; focusing on intentionality as the essential base of human reasoning. Therefore, our hypothesis was established in the context of natural language philosophy (the pragmatics of the third degree) where we compared the equivalence between logical language and natural language. The hypothesis answer was established in the theoretical proposal produced by the pioneers of natural language philosophy such as ‘Austin’, ‘Searle’, and ‘Grice’. Moreover, we mentioned various perceptions on discourse production and comprehension focusing on the most practical approaches tackling the new structure of functional discourse theory. The research practically highlighted other linguistic proposals linked to the role of intentionality in the multiplicity and the enrichment of daily life people discourse. We tried especially to propose interpretations and even some amendments about the properties of discourse acts, and illocutionary discourse force. Ultimately, this research showed with examples of actual speech the influence of individual and common intentionality on the motivation of discursive interactions involved within different cases, arguments, interviews, and even speeches paralogues.
dc.language.iso ar
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject القصدية
dc.subject فلسفة اللغة العادية
dc.subject الخطابات
dc.subject الافعال الخطابية
dc.title القصدية وتعدد الخطابات
dc.type Thesis

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