The phenomenon of War Prisoners is an inherent phenomenon of armed conflict and closely linked to the definition of combatants. International humanitarian law has given the importance of war prisoners since these beginnings. several international conventions have concluded and have shown their features of these behaviors including the Third Geneva Convention of 1949 and one of the most important and most powerful bases of the legal system that protects war prisoners because it contains detailed rules to behave with war prisoners from the moment they are in the hands of the hostile state until they return home by committing them to apply the rules of the Convention. The study examined the historical evolution of the family prisoner and the identification of persons who enjoy the legal status of prisoners of war under international humanitarian law and defines the rules of this protection between theory and practice and, in this context, it faces the criminal responsibility of the individual who violates the provisions of the Third Geneva Convention and thereby committing war crimes against the rights of prisoners, in order to clarify the effectiveness of the protective mechanisms in their preventive measures, surveillance and repression, which does not exempt criminals from criminal liability, especially in the presence of the permanent International Criminal Court.