The substitutes of the criminal instance achieve many objectives that are peers with the modern criminal policy, the legislator was directed towards the application of the system of an approving, negotiating, simplified and concise justice by purpose of lightening the charges to the courts, therefore, spare them to rule in simple crimes. In addition, it provides benefits to the accused and the victim, thereby saving the accused from the lengthy proceedings, therefore, he spares himself the burden of these proceedings by submitting to the approving and negotiatorjustice system . The submission to this system saves the accused from judging him with a negative sentence of short-term liberty. Therefore, and in order to fight against the criminal justice crisis, criminalreconciliation areapplied on a large scale. The Algerian legislator created the criminal intermediary under the ordinance No. 15/02 on the Code of Criminal Proceding, and use of the criminal case developed to include sentences, after which it was included only contraventions. In addition to the penal composition and the appearance on the basis of the preliminary recognition of the crime in the French legislation and the plea bargaining in the American code which formed a real revolution in the increase of the effectiveness of the criminal justice.