This study aims to analyze the fact of the Algerian Civil Society and to
understand its peculiarities and landmarks that have been shaped after a chain of the social, the political, the economic and the security changes that Algeria has been experienced in recent decades; besides to the external factors mainly linked to the Globalization and the evolution of the means of communication, the regional and the international political circumstances, all these and other factors have been contributed in the making of the Algerian Civil Society and giving it dimensions that are necessarily different from the ideal style of the modern civil society, either at the structural or the functional level and the interaction with various social actors. For the sake of putting a perception of clear landmarks that is closer and closer from the environment and the natural and circumstances surrounding it; this study seeks to reveal the reality of the Algerian Civil Society and this through the asking of the principle question about: What is the reality of Algerian Civil Society? And it derives from it a set of sub-questions that attempt to surround this
reality:- What is the nature of the Elite representing the Civil Society in lgeria?
- What is the nature of the institutional structure of the Algerian CivilSociety foundations?
- What is the nature of the relationship between the State and the Algerian Civil Society?
- What is the role of the Algerian Civil Society in progress?
And by looking for an answer to these questions; the study attempted to
asset to the concept of the Civil Society and to search for its theoretical assets
through various established philosophical trends that founded it, and then the
manner by which the Arab Thought has treated f this concept, besides the
clarification of the important features of the modern civil society, and the ability to approach it the fat of the civil society in the Algerian historical experience, also the theoretical study interested in tracking the historical development of the Civil Society in Algeria and accordingly extracting the eminent founding and the institutions that formed the morphology of the Civil Society in Algeria, and its characteristics and its most obstacles.