It is clear that there is no subject related to the constitutional organization has known a discussion and analysis of jurists such as the subject of the creation of a second parliament or not, especially at the Small countries, if the formation of a second parliament is a necessity in the federal states, the question arise about the needfor simple states to have a second parliament in their parliaments. However, despite this question, many simple states have adopted the creation of a second council at their parliament, whose number is currently increasing to bcome adoptingthe bicameral systeme or bicameralism. which was first applied in Britain and then moved to France and Americato spread in most of the world later. The creation of a second parliament is often justifiedby ansuring a better legislative track, improving representation within parliament, and ensuring insttitutional balance and stability in order to ensure the continuityof the work of the state structures and not to expose them to increasing problems in the event of the formation of parliament from a single counsil. Despite these arguments, the formation of a second parliament or not has not received the attention of esearcher in Algeria, au Moroco and Tuni result of ignorance of the constitutional developementof the later to a second Council at their parliaments. Which was making the study of the bilaterale at that time is something unjustified. And it was necessary to wait for the constitutional amendment of 1996 in Algeria, the Constitution of 1996 in Moroco and the Constitution of 2002 in Tunisiain order that the parliament in these countries will be transferred from the unicameral system to Bicameral system. And thus open the way to study this topic by searching in real
justifications for its adoption, and its compatibility with the political and
social realities of each country of them. End the extent to which the legal regulation of the bilateral status of the council is consistent to the filed implementation with this reality and the limits of its ability to ensurre self-sufficisncy and institutional balance which was one of the most important reasons for the creation of second council in their parliaments. Especially that Algeria confirme dits work with the constitutional amendementfor the year 2016 as well as Moroco which also confirmed its work the Constitution of 2011.