The goal of this study is to stop at very important point which concern the exécution of the criminal verdict
which is the original goal of lawsuit‚ And that with studying the application of itch point of criminal verdict‚
contended in judgment and penal decisions related with the application of the death sentence, criminal
sentence, financial penalty, complementary sentence and alternate sentence .
It may be there some raisons which block the exécution, and it will be Impossible to keep it only after it
been studied by the specialized court and that by editing it , deleting it or reporting it , and that’s what it
called the application’s issues , and it considered as the legal way for who has been maked against him a
criminal verdict to been able to face any false application or an abuse , we make a study of that
application’s issues from its definition‚ and make it apart of the others , specified its legal nature At the end
we make clear its raisons , conditions , procedures.