The electoral process is composed of a series of steps, beginning with the decree of
Appeal of the electorate and ending with the declaration of results, the validity or invalidity
depends upon the honesty of various stages election.
The first consequences of the decision to convene the electorate is the early stage of
the election period giving candidates a broad freedom to get to know their constituents and to
declare their programs and principles, in other words, intellectual and political conflict begins
between the candidates, political parties or independent members, in convincing voters to vote
for them. This political and media phenomenon is called: electoral propaganda. Through
which the candidate or party state electoral exercise specific to repot the elections, obtaining
the greatest possible number of votes of the electorate. The methods of electioneering are
many and varied, owing to the multiplicity and diversity of objectives and themes, yet the
integrity of the electoral process depends on the integrity of the methods and means used in
the campaign, and how competitors have followed the principles that govern the course of
electioneering, Thus any organization of a constitutional and legal framework for
electioneering should be characterized by clarity and rigor preventing any harm to freedom of
political participation in the electoral process to ensure equality and fairness of administrative
procedures and safety and the means used.
We wanted, through this study, to expose the campaign through its various physical,
moral and legal, for that we have discussed the significance of the electoral propaganda,
means and methods and principles which govern its context then we focused on the legal
regulation of electioneering highlighting gaps in the legislation of Algeria from the French
legislation and other laws, and we learned what should be when it comes to ambiguity,
inconsistency or flaw in the legal regulation of the election campaign.
And to capture the subject in its various aspects, we put the plan most suitable to our
gaze. In the introductory section we studied the election and the democratic system in general,
and the general rules governing the electoral process.
Given the importance of the phase of electioneering, characterized by its specific
nature, and because of its role in determining the outcome of the election process, we studied
this stage into two parts:
The first section deals with electioneering and political opinion polls, where we
arrived at the service of electioneering, and its distinction from other types of propaganda, and
the means and methods used, then the principles that govern As part of the campaign. We
have studied the political public opinion polls and its role in determining election results,
something confirmed by the French legislator who was the first to develop a legal system for
public opinion, because of their important role in the electoral process, thus we call the
Algerian legislature to follow the example of the French legislature.
The second and final section focused on the study of electoral propaganda crimes in
some cases reaching the stage to cancel the election results or imprisonment if the abuses are
prohibited by law, and there we have mentioned a great lack in Algerian law relating to
French law, in the extension of control over electoral campaigns or in the field of regulation
or funding, considered one pillar of the election campaigns, and an assurance for the success
of the electoral process at every stage and especially in election propaganda
Finally, we outline a number of recommendations that we believe in the service of
the Algerian electoral legislation to ensure equality between the candidates and to exclude any
suspicion that the administration is the attainment of true democracy.