What better characterizes the journalistic work is the exercise of the right
of freedom of expression, otherwise this right isn’t absolute, if the
journalist commits an act considered by the law as an error and that later
hurts others, he takes the civil responsibility considering that it
constituted from an error, nuisance and cause-effect relationship, the
responsibility can be either a civil responsibility resulting from a personal
act or a responsibility of the journal of the others act knowing that
journalist relating to it as a guarantee. The penalty of this responsibility is
that the journalist or the journal supports the rate of the compensation
fixed by the justice in favor of the victim if the nuisance that attains him
due to the journalistic error war material or moral. The compensation can
be real manifested by the right of reply or rectification or cash according
to the verdict of the justice. That what makes the civil responsibility of
the journalist different from the civil responsibility of general conditions.