Through this research we tried to treat the topic of : the judicial nature
of the beneficairy’s right from the agrarian investment,it means the reform of
the agrarian sector according to the law no87-19dated in December 8th,1978 ;
ich includes the adjustment manner of agrarian lands’ exploitation relied to
the national properties and the determination of agrarian electors’ rights and
their duties known as « the law of agrarian investments » the matter that
helped us to know the principles& new rules that this law has brought and the
judicial problematics had emerged due to its application in the field,and we
shall summe up the important onesas follow :
1- The judicial nature of the administrative contract constructing « the
Agrarian Investment » :
the legislator had granted to the beneficiaries on whom the mentioned
terms of law no87-19 are adequate to them and according to an administrative
contract a right of a constant beneficiary on all lands besides an annual tax
determined by the financial law; and it is an individual real estate right
available for transmission,desistance,and reculsion ;also the state desisted
according to it on all properties refered to the investor –except the land
erebyit explores the given real estate in form of collective agrrian
investment as an individual exception (article from 6 to 9).
And if we had not found a difficulty in adapting the purses’contract as an
administrative contract relying on the article33 of law mentioned above ;
besides the executive circularly no90-50 linked to the preparation of an
administrative act ; but the difficulty was been about adjusting the judicial
nature of this contract,which is considered as a compound act ; it consist –as it
is noted above –of a primary act the state desisted in it with absolute property
on all possessions of the investment, and a secondry act contains a purses of a
constant beneficiary act,and if we did not found a difficulty in adjusting the
first act as a selling act (article 7), then the conflict rised through the adaption
of the second act ; it means the one case of costant beneficiary right,is it an
act of selling or rent ?.
We had seen that is not an act of a sale ;becuase the state did not desisted
on all elements of the property ; when it kept the property supervision and the
legislator did not treated the price’s topic, it cited only the little taxes, that are
not suitable to the value of the of the constant beneficiary right ; in addition to
this if the act is a selling, there will be no terms of exploitation lead to the
unstability which falls the constant beneficiary right .
As we have seen that is not an act of rent ; for the beneficiary right
resulted from the purses’act as an eternal right ,whereas the beneficiary right