The importance of the local population of part its contribution in the production of
bovine meat (8o %) and in the milk production (40 %), in part the weak investment
for the behaviour of its animal husbandry and its qualities of adaptability in a
difficult environment, drives to us near its performances which to there were not
This study allowed us to estimate performances butchers: mensurations, lively
weights, weight of carcass, and criteria of delicacy (weight of the skin, weight of
ends and indication thoracic dactylo
Others part the evaluation of the nutritional quality of the milk was taken by the
measurements of the level fat , of the protein rate, specific gravity and dry
The structure of animal husbandry was determined (sharing out by type of cattle
and sharing out by stockbreeder) and from all data were calculated zootechnic
parameters (IVV, DL, age in the first bet low, instant of calving, month of calving,
month of drying up, rate of twinbirth.)
This last made the object of a cytogenetic diagnosis and confirmed further to, the
elaboration of the karyotype. These results contribute to the rare data of
performances and act as support for improvement, and especially in the
maintenance of this population.