The current study is to give a progress report on the mammary lesions present in the bitches
through a histopathological study to diagnose the different types of mammary tumors. The
study included 215 dogs of three breeds (German Shepherd, Poodle, Cross Breed), distributed
in four wilayas (Constantine, Annaba, Oum El Bouaghi, Skikda) in North-East Algeria and
ran from November 2013 to April 2016.
The clinical examination showed that only 42 bitches out of 215 have presented mammary
lesions, that is to say a percentage of 19.53%.
The examination histopathologic has showed that 17 bitches of German Berger race, 14
bitches of race poodle and 11 cross bitches of race have presented the three types of lesions
mammaires: malignant tumors, benign tumors and of the dysplasic lesions with respective
percentages of 40.47%, 50% et 19,04%.
These results are important to draw the attention of the anatomopathologists to the need for
diagnosing the tumors precociously and for sensitizing the owners on the risk posed by these
tumoral lesions.
Finally, more epidemiological investigations are needed to determine the risk factors that may
be implicated in the initiation and evolution of these tumors.