"The scar process is a biological phenomenon which is automatically and immediately put to action by
the organism as soon as there is a physical damage of some tissue except nervous cells. Many scarring
products whose efficacy is well known, but there are sometimes some therapeutics failures.
We have tried to evaluate scarring properties of a traditionnal plant (khayta) on excision wounds in
rats. The study has been carried out on four groups of sixteen rats separately. The first one is treated
with the tested plant once a day, the second one is treated with the tested plant twice a day, the third
one will receive a daily Cicatryl-bio application, and the fourth one will have no treatment and will
serve as a witness. The evaluation of scars is done by a planimetric study. Mensurations are done
every two days during a period of fifteen (15) days. The plant has shown a positive action on scars
with an important contration, and which become quicker between the fourth and the tenth day, to
reach 96,29% and 97.97 % of the initial surface on the 15th day for the part treated with high and low
dose respectively; against 93.31% and 94.25% respectively for Cicatryl-bio treated group and the
witness. It seems then, that the Teucrium polium has a scarring activity that has a close link with its
well known efficacity in popular medicine."