Two moleculs of quinolones (flumequine and enrofloxacin) were administrated by oral form according to
two modes of watering (on a 3 hours and 24 hours period of time) in treatment of experimental poultry colibacillosis
after inoculation of the most pathogenic strain of Escherichia coli (O78:K80) at broiler chickens.
The emergence of antibiotic resistance, just after oral administration on a 24 hours period of watering of
flumequine and Enrofloxacine, allowed be setting obviously the influence of oral treatment on this quinolones
In addition of administration mode, an other elements, like antibiotic’s moleculs, bacterial strain, and
animal species, seem to be associated to this antibiotic resistance and let suppose their intervention later, in so far as
factors influencing on level’s resistance.
The emergence of quinolone’s resistance on all bacterial species, were recognized after introduction of
these molecules in therapy and were reported by many studies carried on this family of antibiotic, and so, an
antibiotic resistance surveillance are imperative.