Within the Insecta, the most diversified class of the animal kingdom and which is made
up of several orders, the order of the Orthoptera appears as one of the most important,
particularly on economical level. Although the Pamphagidae family has been known for a
long time (Brisout Debarneville, 1850; Lucas, 1851 and Vosseler, 1902), the synthesis of the
fauna of the Pamphagidae species from North Africa in general and from Algeria in
particular, has been the subject of very little work (Descamps and Mounassif 1972, Massa,
1993 and Benkenana, 2013). The taxonomic inventory of Pamphagidae in four regions:
Constantine Skikda, Mila and Batna made it possible to identify seven (7) species belonging
to four (4) genera (Pamphagus, Ocneridia, Thmetis and Paracenipe) and two subfamilies. The
species Ocneridia volximii is the most abundant in our inventory. Little is known about the
Pamphagidae family in eastern Algeria; there may be other species to be discovered