The Diptera is one of the most significant insect (Elouard, 1981). With among of 180
families described and his worldwide distribution, the order represents perhaps two-thirds of
the world total (Gillott, 2005). Due to its significance, the Diptera fauna it's one of the most
important subjects in research both globally and in Algeria.Several synthesis studies have
been conducted on this subject. Despite this important body of work much remains to be
clarified on this point.DespiteDjelfa being one of Algeria's most agricultural locations, little
research has been done on the subject of Diptera. This is the first study of its kind to include a
summary of the local Diptera species. The sampling of dipteran flies was carried out from
February 2021 to February2022 atDjelfa region (34 ° 11 ’à 34 ° 54’ N; 3 ° 15 ’à 3 ° 46’E).
The study areais located in the central part of the highlands, on the Algerian steppe (INC,
1984). Djelfa is limited by Médéa and Tissemsilt in the North, and Ouargla, El Oued and
Ghardaïa In the South, in the East by M'sila and Biskra and in the West by Laghouat and
Tiaret.For sampling, one methodwaschosen, the yellow traps. The principle this method is
catching of the winged entomofauna. The traps remain in site the field for 24 hours and the
species are collected in tube eppendorfs containing Ethanol at 70%, with the trap number and
the date of the trapping noted.The identification was donning at the Higher National
Veterinary School (Algeria), with the help using available keys (Séguy 1983; Mcalpineel al.,
1987). The Diptera found at this study site include 5 families made up of a total of 52
individuals were successfully collected for this study 3 family of Brachycera and 2 of
Nematocera. The Syrphidae family recorded the highest abundance of Diptera, with (51,92
%). It is follow by Sciaridae family(17,31 %) and by Muscidaeand Cecidomyiidae (13, 46 %).
The Bombyliidae family recorded the lowest relative abundance (3,85 %). Mohdeb et al.
(2021)found a very low value of Syrphidae not exceeding 0.5%, and Kishore Chandra Sahoo
et al., (2021) reported Sciaridae with AR%=3.06%. Very lowest abundance of
Muscidaefamily wasdetected by Beddiaf et al (2014), with AR%= 0.62% and 0.73%in two
sites. Amokrane (2021) observedBombylidaefamilyinthe three sitewith AR%=1.41%, 1.12%
and 0.73%. The same auteur noted thatCecidomyiidae family is present with AR%= 0.09%,
0.57% and 0.22%