Theiron hydroxide β-FeOOHisamaterialwidely used invariousfields such asoptical, electronics and other. The object ofthis work is theoptimization of the parametersfor the development ofthin layers ofiron hydroxidesusing the methodofDip-Coating. This method, simpleimplementation, is based on thesoakingand removalof samplesin an appropriate solution. The drying step frees the residual solvent and the gel layer.
First, we observed that the crystallization of β-FeOOH layer is connected to the temperature co-precipitation. Also, tests were conducted for different temperature ranging from 20 to 40°C. The X-ray diffraction showed the crystallization of the β-FeOOH material starts at 25°C. The optimum temperature for best crystallization was found between 30 and 35°C. Sample analysis by SEM showed that the microstructure of the films is nanometric. The use of UV visible, infrared and Raman spectroscopic allowed us to watch the optical properties of prepared layers