Algeria experienced directly after independence an economy monopolized by the State,
of which it was the organizer and the executor. This method of intervention led to negative
effects that caused crises affecting various areas, which forced the state to adopt another method
called the market economy, and which accompanied the evocation of a certain number of
reforms and the adoption of most principles of economic freedom to justify the evolution of the
role of the state from an intervening state to a controlling state.
This development was accompanied by the withdrawal of the state from the economic
field to be replaced by new bodies called the economic control authorities, which express a
literal translation of its fundamental principles adopted by the idea of government in the form
of a new perception between the State and the market.
The stock market is one of the most important sensitive financial sectors. It was
necessary to set up an independent legal mechanism in order to control the various activities
that take place there, which was effectively done through the creation of the Stock Exchange
Regulation and Control Committee, which was assign the task of controlling the financial
market through the exercise of its arbitrary and oppressive regulatory and supervisory powers.