This study concerns the modeling and numerical simulation in 3D forced
convection, laminar, a nanofluid consisting of water and nanoparticles in an annular
horizontal pipe. The outer cylinder is subjected to a parietal imposed constant heat at the
interface while the inner cylinder is considered adiabatic. The Navier-Stokes and energy
equations governing this problem are solved by take account for the hydrodynamic and
thermal behavior of the flow of nanofluid. The finite volume method is used for the
discretization and integration of nonlinear differential equations with a pattern of spatial
and temporal discretization of a second-order accuracy and a uniform mesh in the radial,
angular and axial directions. The results shows that for the Reynolds numbers and Prandtl
fixed, the dimensionless velocity profile for the laminar forced convection of a nanofluid
consisting of water does not vary with the volume concentration of nanoparticles while the
effect of the concentration of nanoparticles on the temperature of the mass is significant
nanofluid. These results are consistent with those found in the literature. In general the use
of nanofluids with a volume concentration of nanoparticles causes a very high increase in
the coefficient of heat transfer by convection