Bismuth phosphates/molybdates and alkali metal both undoped and doped with luminescent ions
have attracted much attention last decade due to their practical applications as effective components
for white light emission diodes and laser materials [1, 2]. Due to close ionic radii, the Bi3+ cations
can be easily substituted by the RE3+ dopants, so a lot of types of RE-doped compounds from the
mentioned families were synthesized so far (particularly, in form of micro and nano-sized powders)
and studied by spectroscopic methods. While the luminescence properties of the RE-doped Bicontaining
oxide compounds were studied intensively, lesser attention was paid to study their
electronic structure, origin of intrinsic luminescence and mechanisms of excitation energy transfer.
However understanding of the luminescence mechanisms of undoped hosts is an indispensable
condition for elaboration of effective luminophores on the base of the RE-doped crystals. In this
work we used the luminescent and optical spectroscopy studies under various types of excitations
together with electronic structures calculations for pure and RE-doped Bi-containing compounds in
order to establish the origin of intrinsic emission centers in mentioned compounds.
The polycrystalline samples of undoped and RE-doped BiPO4, K3Bi5(PO4)6, K2Bi(PO4)(MoO4),
K2Bi(PO4)(WO4) and K5Bi(MoO4)4 (RE = Eu, Tb, Pr, Tm, Ce) crystals were synthesized by
spontaneous crystallization method. The PL emission and excitation spectra were measured under
excitation with synchrotron radiation (4 – 25 eV) at SUPERLUMI station at HASYLAB (DESY),
Hamburg, Germany. Dependencies of luminescence intensities and decay times on temperature
were obtained under N2-laser excitation (λexc =337.1nm) in 4.2 – 300 K temperature region. Diffuse
reflectance spectra of fine-grained powdered samples were measured at 300 K using double-beam
spectrophotometer. Absorbance spectra were calculated from the diffuse reflectance using the
Kubelka-Munk relation. The electronic structures of the perfect crystals were calculated by the
FLAPW method realized in Wien2k program package [3].
PL emission spectra of all undoped compounds obtained under synchrotron excitation are
characterized by complex emission bands in 400-850 nm spectral region. The temperature
quenching of emission intensity occurs well below 300 K for all these samples. Luminescence
excitation spectra of all studied RE-doped samples registered in emission bands inherent to
corresponding RE3+ion, reveal excitation bands clearly identified as the band-to-band excitations.
Calculated partial densities of states indicate that the Bi cations, as well as MoO4 groups in the
molybdate hosts, play a dominant role of in the processes of luminescence excitation. Analysis of
diffuse reflectance and luminescence excitation spectra allows estimation of the energy gap (Eg)parameters of the studied compounds. Temperature dependencies of decay time constants and
emission intensities show that “blue-violet” emission components have the Bi3+-related origin
whereas emission components of the molybdate crystals in the red spectral region are related to
transitions in MoO4 groups.
Obtained data were used to observe possibility to develop new tips for luminescent nano
thermometers, especially concerning scanning nano resolution thermal imaging