This study was conducted in order to establish through a survey diagram traditional manufacturing frik and determine the rate of consumption, frequency of consumption occasions in eastern Algeria. And the identification of different types of preparation and the criteria for assessing the quality of this product. On the other hand, see the economic and nutritional value of frik compared to durum wheat by comparing the yields and composition of durum wheat and grilled green wheat and determine the concentration frik per liter of sauce for soup best organoleptic qualities. The frik is consumed by all households (5 kg per year) as a soup called Chorba or Djari for a frequency of once a week in ordinary days and once a day in the month of Ramadan for the majority of households. The first criterion of frik quality is the color green of grain. The assessment criteria of the frik soup are the consistency and frik particles cooked. Comparison of yield and composition of durum wheat toast and green shows that there is a weight loss between 12 and 15% if the wheat harvest is milky and dough stage, this loss is offset by the cost of frik that is five times more expensive than semolina. For the chemical composition, the results show no significant difference between the two samples. Concentration in the soup frik affects other sensory qualities.