The process of management of the risks has to rest (base) on a predictive study of the risks on the basis of the analysis of the processes.
For this operation, we estimate the information relative to the dangers and the risks which were collected during the evaluation of the risks, then the authorities have to implement(operate) effective and adequate measures the purpose is to reduce at most the probability of appearance
of unacceptable risks.
The implementation of a process of management of the microbiological risks in catering allows to improve the knowledge of products and of proceed within kitchens, as well as organization of the work.
This process aims at placing the hygiene has a level such as products offered by this establishment can establish(constitute) on no account a danger for the health of the customer and the image of the establishment.
Finally it is necessary to note that this step (initiative) establishes (constitutes) a real cultural revolution for the most part of the actors of the restoration.
The purpose of this work is to approach this step(initiative) according to an approach which allows the administrators and the cooks of the restoration to lead(drive) her(it) with pragmatism in their establishment.