These two last decades, one could note a progressive increase in the content nitrates nitrites of certain water of consumption, the threshold considered as content acceptable for human consumption should not exceed 50 Mg of nitrate/l. However we have to misuse in the use of artificial fertilisers, this intensive use impoverishes the ground in organic components and with long a less complete assimilation by the plants of these same fertilizers involves whose nitrogen is the principal source.
To stop the propagation of the infections of hydrous origin and to safeguard human health, the
Directorate-General of National Safety by the means of its regional laboratory of scientific police
force of Constantine implemented a campaign against the transmissible diseases having a hydrous
origin. A physicochemical control by a colorimetric proportioning according to the method of
(Griess-Hosvey-Lunge), by sulfanilic diazotization of acid in acid solution and combination to 1 -
naphthylamine is carried out to determine the contents nitrates nitrites in water of consumption of
the services of police force of the two areas of El-Khroub and Hamma Bouziane of the year 1997 E
2007. The results of this study revealed an unstable rate of nitrates nitrite of 7 mg/l with 13.5 mg/l for the area Hamma Bousiane and 9.5 to 12 mg/l for the El-Khroub area. Consequently, our results
conclude us that the presence of nitrates and nitrites in water of consumption in the area of Constantine record 10.45 and 10.66 mg/l, which presents a public health hazard in the long run.
For that we recommend to the manager to limit the industrial wastes, and into final to fight against
the problem of pollution by nitrates and nitrites in particular those to bring by the artificial fertilisers by finding the possibility of a compromise to reconcile intensive agriculture and protection of water.