Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

Contrôle de la couche limite laminaire d’un écoulement stationnaire, visqueux, compressible et subsonique autour d’un profil bidimensionnel

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dc.contributor.author Nahoui, Azzedine
dc.contributor.author Bahi, Lakhdar
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-25T09:02:55Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-25T09:02:55Z
dc.date.issued 2018-02-18
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/9534
dc.description.abstract A numerical study of a laminar boundary layer of a stationary, viscous, compressible and subsonic flow around a two-dimensional NACA profile was conducted without and with control. The flow domain has been divided into two zones, one near-wall, the boundary layer, which is responsible for friction phenomena, and the other, an external zone where flow is considered potential. The potential flow is studied by the panel method for the determination of the external velocity distribution necessary for the treatment of the boundary layer. The boundary layer was studied using the PRANDTL model and the KELLER method by reducing the order of the first-order differential equations, the writing of the algebraic equations, and the linearization by the Newton method via an iterative calculation process and finally the resolution by the method of elimination by blocks. The distributions of the pressure and lift coefficients were determined and examined for different Mach numbers and different angles of attack with varying relative thickness. Thermal control by wall heating or wall cooling was studied and the results demonstrated only the effectiveness of the wall cooling control on the recoil of the separation point around 10% of the chord of the profile. The dynamic control by suction or blowing has demonstrated its effectiveness on the decline of the separation point; the decline has reached 10% of the chord of the profile. The superimposition of the thermal and dynamic control procedures demonstrated once again more efficiency on the retreat of the boundary layer separation point with a gain of 15% of the chord of the profile.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Couche limite laminaire
dc.subject compressible
dc.subject nombre de Mach
dc.subject nombre de Reynolds
dc.subject contrôle
dc.subject point de séparation
dc.subject aspiration
dc.subject soufflage
dc.subject refroidissement pariétal
dc.subject Laminar boundary layer
dc.subject Mach number
dc.subject Reynolds number
dc.subject control
dc.subject separation point
dc.subject suction
dc.subject blowing
dc.subject wall cooling
dc.subject طبقة حدية رقائقية
dc.subject انضغاطي
dc.subject عدد ماخ
dc.subject عدد رينولدز
dc.subject مراقبة
dc.subject نقطة الانفصال
dc.subject الامتصاص
dc.subject النفخ والتبريد السطحي
dc.title Contrôle de la couche limite laminaire d’un écoulement stationnaire, visqueux, compressible et subsonique autour d’un profil bidimensionnel
dc.type Thesis

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