dc.description.abstract |
In recent years, chaos synchronization has been widely explored and studied because of
its potential applications, such as in secure communication, chemical reactions, biological systems, information science. Thereby, a variety of approaches have been proposed
for the synchronization of chaotic systems, such as complete synchronization, generalized
synchronization and projective synchronization.
Recently, hybrid function projective synchronization (HFPS) for chaotic systems is extensively considered. On the other hand, studying the inverse problem of this scheme with
produce, a new synchronization type called Inverse Hybrid Function Projective Synchronization (IHFPS), is an attractive and important idea. So, we introduce in this thesis the
IHFPS for 5-D general class of chaotic systems in continuous-time. To achieve IHFPS,
we use the lyapunov stability theory.
More recently, new research has focused on studying the combination of several types
of synchronization. Therefore, at the Örst, we constructed a new type of hybrid chaos
synchronization based on the on coexistence of Generalized Synchronization (GS)
and its inverse (IGS). By using Lyapunov stability theory and stability theory of linear
continuous-time, some su¢ cient conditions are derived to prove the existence of (GS)
and (IGS) between 3-D master system and 4-D slave hyperchaotic system in 3D and
4D, respectively. Secondly, we illustrate new schemes which prove the existence of the
Full State Hybrid Function Projective Synchronization (FSHFPS) and its inverse (IFSHFPS) between a 3-D master system and a 4-D salve system in 4D and 3D,
respectively. Some examples with numerical simulations allowed us to verify the e§ectiveness of the theoretical analyzes developed herein. |