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Synthèse, étude structurale par diffraction des rayons X et topologique de nouveaux matériaux à base de composés cycliques azotés.

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dc.contributor.author Bensegueni Mohamed Abdellatif
dc.contributor.author Cherouana Aouatef
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-25T08:18:20Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-25T08:18:20Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/8058
dc.description 252 f.
dc.description.abstract The [2+3] Cycloaddition between an azide and a nitrile, is a reaction catalyzed by zinc, and it is of a great interest because of its efficiency, still it presents a disadvantage that is of producing highly toxic and explosives intermediates, fortunately another synthesis protocol appears. The protocol was developed by the researcher Ren-Gen Xiong, it is called; InSitu hydrothermal synthesis, this method attracted much interest. It was applied in the synthesis of most of the products studied in this thesis for the development of structures based on tetrazole with new topologies. The compounds reported in this manuscript are salts, or mononuclear coordination compounds, has mono, di- or polymeric forms and comprising imidazole or tetrazole functions. TGA-DSC thermal behavior studies as well as infrared and Raman spectroscopic analysis are reported in this manuscript. We report here, six compounds synthesized by hydrothermal method including a strontium-based complex which is regarded as the first example of a new topology (3.42), (34.422.522.617.7), and two other complexes based imidazole obtained by aqueous conditions, both containing imidazole and thiocyano group. Tetrazole-based complexes are high energy compounds and having dielectric properties, a first test of dielectric measurement was carried out on a calcium-containing complex, and show a behavior similar to that found in the literature the analysis continues on the other compounds reported herein and it is a part of the perspectives of this thesis.
dc.format 30 cm.
dc.language.iso fre
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Chimie
dc.title Synthèse, étude structurale par diffraction des rayons X et topologique de nouveaux matériaux à base de composés cycliques azotés.
dc.coverage 2 copies imprimées disponibles

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