المستودع الرقمي في جامعة الإخوة منتوري قسنطينة 1

التنمية المستدامة حقيقة أم مثالية حالة ولاية سطيف

عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author بولحواش علاوة
dc.contributor.author شبل العربي
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T11:24:00Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T11:24:00Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/7629
dc.description 202 ورقة.
dc.description.abstract "This study, and through its content, provided the general frame to the definition of sustainable development with all its kinds and principles. We tried to focus on the position it acquired since its appearance on the international stage. Sustainable development has led to global awareness of the dangers on the environment and its future, through several conferences and summits to remedy the deterioration that threatens its ability to regenerate and survive. However, it failed to put these rules into practice, which led to its failure to turn sustainable development into a mandatory program for all poor and rich countries in the world. In addition, its realization in Algeria remains far-reaching, and what is odd is that it has the natural, economic and social capacities and qualifications. That is what we come to through our case study in wilaya of Sétif as a local example to achieve sustainable development. A city that contains all human and natural resources, basic infrastructure and important touristic potentials. However, by failing to take the basics of good planning and without regarding each region’s characteristics during the development lead to failure to achieve acceptable levels of development. On the contrary, it has led over severity of difference especially mountainous regions - North, South who remain marginalized and suffering from a vacuum of the human body because of the absence of the factors of urbanity and investment and is what ultimately counted in this study led us to overcome any offer as the absolute priority for expiration term delay while acting on the development of the agricultural sector as an opportunity and a serious substitute of local economy in the medium and long term."
dc.format 30 سم.
dc.language.iso ara
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject التهيئة العمرانية
dc.subject التهيئة العمرانية
dc.title التنمية المستدامة حقيقة أم مثالية حالة ولاية سطيف
dc.coverage 2نسخ موجودة مكتبة المركزية

الملفات في هذه المادة

هذه المادة تظهر في الحاويات التالية

عرض سجل المادة البسيط

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