Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

La vulnerabilité face aux risques naturels etude de cas la ville de constantine.

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dc.contributor.author Mezhoud, Lamia
dc.contributor.author Benazzouz, Mohamed Tahar
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T10:56:47Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T10:56:47Z
dc.date.issued 2021-07-10
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/7140
dc.description.abstract This work focuses on the contribution of hazard susceptibility and vulnerability to mapping risks related to the landslide hazard in Constantine. For this purpose, our interest was focused on the development of a methodological approach which uses the application of a Geographic Information System (GIS), using multi-criteria analysis that takes into account various natural physical parameters of the site:( geology and or lithology of soils, geomorphology, hypsometry, slope inclination ) and anthropogenic : (land use and population), this first allowed us to produce the hazard susceptibility map using a bivariate approach (GMM-MATRIX). It classifies the different areas of the site in relation to natural phenomena (alea) and secondly the vulnerability estimate, which is estimated by a semi-empirical analysis of the issues defined in terms of the relative value of exposed elements (structural vulnerability and physical vulnerability). The superimposition between the latter (alea and vulnerability) has led to the elaboration of a thematic map grouping the different classes of landslide risk (very high, high medium and low and very low) in the study area. For the site as a whole, about 1147 h of the total area is exposed to a very high to high risk 219 h to a medium risk and 19021 h is classified as low risk. Thus this map allowed us to highlight for the whole city, the number of constructions exposed to a very strong risk to strong 551 of the total number, 564 constructions has an average risk and 3379 constructions does not risk any danger. Finally, the result of this work (the landslide natural risk map, represents a decision support tool for the choice of preventive measures to reduce the risks in order to minimize the landslide impact of the city of Constantine).
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Aménagement du territoire: AMENAGEMENT DES MILIEUX PHYSIQUES
dc.subject Glissement de terrain
dc.subject Risque
dc.subject Système d’information géographique
dc.subject Constantine
dc.subject Aléa et vulnérabilité
dc.subject Approche bivariée
dc.subject Semi empirique
dc.subject Landslide
dc.subject Risk
dc.subject Geographic Information System
dc.subject Semi-empirical
dc.subject Alea and vulnerability
dc.subject bivariate approach
dc.subject الانزلاقات الارضیة
dc.subject المخاطر
dc.subject نظام المعلومات الجغرافیة
dc.subject قسنطینة
dc.subject المخاطر والتعرض للخطر
dc.subject نھج ثنائي المتغیرات
dc.subject شبھه تجریبي
dc.title La vulnerabilité face aux risques naturels etude de cas la ville de constantine.
dc.type Thesis

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