Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

La gestion des risques et les fondements de bonne gouvernance dans la wilaya de Jijel .

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dc.contributor.author Boureboune, Lamia
dc.contributor.author Cherrad, Salah Eddine
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T10:54:25Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T10:54:25Z
dc.date.issued 2018-03-22
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/7097
dc.description.abstract Knowledge of natural hazards is still insufficient in our country, we don’t know the magnitude of a previous risk, whether flood or earthquake: the last extreme events have taken the dimensions of catastrophes as floods in Bab El Oued, Ghardaia, El Bayadh and earthquake in Boumerdes, which resulted in an impressive number of deaths and property damage, which seriously affected the state budget. The present situation reflects a lack of experience feedback and that the memory of the effects of past disasters is not profitable at best to be able to apprehend positively the events to come. However, the manifestations of natural hazards in Algeria confirm that many cities are directly exposed to natural hazards, earthquakes, floods, landslides such as the case of the present research applied to the wilaya of Jijel The wilaya of Jijel is characterized by a mountainous relief with strong slopes which dominates in the North a littoral exposed to the coastal risk . The wilaya has experienced disasters that have marked the landscapes but also the memory of population, such as the 1856 tsunami, the 1928 cyclone, the 1984 floods, the forest fires of 1881 and 1983, and the impact of the advance of the sea on the urbanized coastline. in front of this threat, what is the level of management of natural risks by the Authorities? Risk management practices in the wilaya of Jijel result in insufficient, but also constraints: the lack of available data, the insufficient of planning and urban planning instruments. The vulnerability of the territories of the Jijel wilaya to the risks is very high through the strategic stakes such as the harbours impacted by the effects of the advance of the sea and the thermoelectric power station, while the dams are exposed to the seismic risk. Risk management has improved considerably with the implementation of works to protect against the advance of the sea on the Kotama beach (downtown Jijel), drainage systems to limit the spread of floods in the plains. Faced with these risks, what is the behavior of the populations? The survey conducted in the field will determine the level of perception of the inhabitants and their level of familiarity with the insurance against the effects of natural disasters (Cat Nat).
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject risques naturels
dc.subject vulnérabilité
dc.subject enjeux
dc.subject catastrophes
dc.subject prévention
dc.subject gestion
dc.subject assurancesbonne gouvernance
dc.subject natural hazards
dc.subject vulnerability
dc.subject stakes
dc.subject disasters
dc.subject management
dc.subject quite management
dc.subject insurance
dc.subject prevention
dc.subject الأخطار الطبيعية
dc.subject الحساسية
dc.subject الرهانات
dc.subject كارثة
dc.subject إدارة
dc.subject الحكم الرشيد
dc.subject الوقاية
dc.subject التأمين
dc.title La gestion des risques et les fondements de bonne gouvernance dans la wilaya de Jijel .
dc.type Thesis

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