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Etude d’un compensateur hybride dédie aux systèmes éoliens.

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dc.contributor.author Terriche, Yacine
dc.contributor.author Kerdoun, Djallel
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T10:04:36Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T10:04:36Z
dc.date.issued 2019-09-18
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/6088
dc.description.abstract This thesis was focused on proposing a HAPF, which is based on an APF and FC-TCR compensator to improve the energy quality of a wind turbine. The type of wind turbine used in this work is based on an SPMG with a full bridge converter. The converter consists of a diode rectifier, DC-DC boost converter, and VSC. The reason for choosing this type of wind turbine lies in the large harmonic distortion that occurs during the conversion of AC power into DC power. The thesis starts by providing a state of art of the energy quality issues that can occur in any electrical source, highlighting the standards of the most severe issues that should be respected. Then, the traditional and advanced solutions are discussed with a focus on the most used ones, providing some mathematical details and figures to show their performance, and providing their advantages and shortcomings. After that, some details of the control methods of the parallel APF and FC-TCR compensator are presented, some techniques of synchronization such as OLS technique and PLL are discussed and their performance is analyzed using different types of filters like the MAF, NLS approach, LPF, α- βCDSC operator, CCFs. Numerical results to show the performance and effectiveness of implementing these filters in the OLS technique and the PLL are presented. Moreover, some techniques of generating the reference compensating currents of the APF such as SRF algorithm and MPM are presented with details. Furthermore, some methods of generating pulses such as PWM control, SVM control, hysteresis control, and MPC are discussed. Finally, the thesis ends with an application of the HAPF to mitigate the harmonics and improve the voltage drops of the aforementioned wind turbine. According to the results, it has been demonstrated that in case of the FC-TCR compensator is well designed, with an acceptable attenuation factor, it can filter a high range of harmonics including the dominant ones and compensate for the voltage drops. However, in case the attenuation factor of the FCTCR compensator is not small enough, then the hybrid topology provides the best harmonic mitigation. Since, the APF is connected to only generate the dominant harmonics, its price decreases, and the possibility of applying this hybrid topology in medium voltage application increases.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Les filtres actifs hybrides (HAPF)
dc.subject Réacteur à thyristor et condensateur fixe (FCTCR)
dc.subject générateurs synchrone à aimant permanent (SPMG)
dc.subject éolienne
dc.subject problèmes de qualité de l'énergie
dc.subject Hybrid active power filters (HAPFs)
dc.subject fixed-capacitor thyristor controlled reactor (FC-TCT)
dc.subject sychronous parmanent magnet generators (SPMG)
dc.subject wind turbine;power quality issues
dc.subject مرشحات الطاقة النشطة الهجين (HAPF)
dc.subject مكثف ثابت مع مقداح (FC TCR)
dc.subject مولد متزامن مع مغناطيس دائم (SPMG)
dc.subject توربينات الرياح
dc.subject تحسين جودة الطاقة الكهربائية
dc.title Etude d’un compensateur hybride dédie aux systèmes éoliens.
dc.type Thesis

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