Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

Stratégies de commande des convertisseurs statiques dédiés à une production décentralisée de type éolien.

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dc.contributor.author Rahab, Abderrezak
dc.contributor.author Benalla, Hocine
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T10:04:26Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T10:04:26Z
dc.date.issued 2018-10-03
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/6081
dc.description.abstract The presented thesis presents a contribution to the control of static converters dedicated to decentralized wind turbine production. The brushless doubly-fed induction machine (BDFIM) is the basis of the studied wind energy conversion system (WECS). The grid tied WECS-BDFIM system has been controlled by different control techniques under balanced grid voltages. For the machine side converter (MSC), firstly the conventional flux-oriented control (FOC) and direct power control (DPC), use conventional regulators, were addressed. Note that these techniques ensure decoupled power regulation for the BDFM. On the other hand, for the grid side converter (GSC), the classical direct power control based on a conventional switching table (ST-DPC), based on modified switching table (IST-DPC) and the direct power control with virtual flux estimation based on the SOGI-FLL estimator, have been analyzed and simulated. We note that the technique of direct power control based flux estimation with the SOGI-FLL estimator gives very good result in terms of power quality and it will be our choice for the control of the GSC. Then, we are interested about a modified direct power control for the both converters (MSC) and (GSC) under disturbed supply condition. The extraction of positive, negative and harmonic contents of voltage and current and the calculation of compensation powers terms is conducted using synchronization techniques (SOGI-FLL, DSOGI-FLL and MSOGI-FLL). The control process of a standalone WECS-BDFIM system is performed using the Direct Voltage Control (DVC) and it has been evaluated under different transients such as a variation of load and wind speed. The detection of frequency, voltage amplitude and phase angle has been done using a DSOGI-FLL technique that is shown a satisfactory performance during disturbed voltage condition. Simulations were performed using MATLAB software to validate performance of the developed control techniques. The obtained results, demonstrate a good steady state and dynamic performance.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Production décentralisée
dc.subject WECS
dc.subject Machine Asynchrone à Double Alimentation sans Balais (BDFIM)
dc.subject SOGI-FLL
dc.subject contrôle direct de la puissance (DPC)
dc.subject contrôle direct de la tension (DVC)
dc.subject Commande sans Capteurs
dc.subject estimation à flux virtuel
dc.subject Decentralized production
dc.subject brushless doubly-fed induction machine (BDFIM)
dc.subject direct power control (DPC)
dc.subject direct voltage control (DVC)
dc.subject Control without Sensors
dc.subject virtual flux estimation
dc.subject انتاج الطاقة المستقل
dc.subject نظام تحويل الطاقة من الرياح
dc.subject الماكنة اللتزامنية ثنائية التغذية بدون مسفرات
dc.subject التحكم المباشر في الاستطاعة
dc.subject التحكم المباشر في التوتر
dc.subject التحكم بدون حساس
dc.subject تقدير التدفق الوهمي
dc.subject Machines Electriques
dc.title Stratégies de commande des convertisseurs statiques dédiés à une production décentralisée de type éolien.
dc.type Thesis

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