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Contribution a l’étude d’une installation photovoltaïque avec stockage connectée au réseau électrique .

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dc.contributor.author Boukebbous, Seif eddine
dc.contributor.author Kerdoun, Djallel
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T10:04:22Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T10:04:22Z
dc.date.issued 2018-11-29
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/6079
dc.description.abstract The objective of this doctoral thesis is to optimize and improve the performance of the photovoltaic solar energy conversion chain connected to the grid in terms of energy quality injected to the electrical grid, price, and efficiency conversion. For this, we began our study by generalities on solar photovoltaic energy, photoelectric conversion; cell, panel, and photovoltaic field have been defined with theirs construction technologies, as well as the associated protections. Subsequently, we proceeded to the implementation of the maximum power point tracking MPPT procedure to maximize the photovoltaic energy produced, indeed, two control techniques are adopted: Perturb & observe and incremental conductance. The performances of these last two methods are tested in several rigorous meteorological conditions, to prove their efficiencies and robustness. Then, we have focused our studies to an application more representative to the final goal of the thesis, by introducing a power electronic interface (two-level voltage inverter) with the electrical grid and storage system to remedy the energy solar fluctuations. The results obtained clearly illustrate a very high performance in terms of stability and robustness against all strict scenarios imposed. Also, in order to optimize the conversion chain, a new DC-AC converter has been proposed: z source inverter. The advantage of this converter is increasing or decreasing the input voltage and ensure the energy conversion into a single stage (DC-AC). In addition, we have introduced another converter called quasi z source inverter similar to the z source inverter, in fact, it retains all advantages of the latter and offers other structural and technical performances because it can deliver a constant and continuous current at the converter input, and decreasing the values of the passive elements used, as well, its structure offers more possibility to integrating several storage technology. All these advantages make this converter very suitable for the power conditioning in a standalone photovoltaic system and grid connected installation. During the various simulation scenarios that we have imposed, all results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of the converter and confirm the robustness, stability of all implemented algorithms.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Energie Solaire Photovoltaïque
dc.subject Cellule Photovoltaïque
dc.subject MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking)
dc.subject Convertisseurs d’Electronique de Puissance
dc.subject Hacheur Elévateur
dc.subject Onduleur de Tension
dc.subject Onduleur Z-Source
dc.subject Onduleur Quasi Z- Source
dc.subject Algorithme de Contrôle des Puissances Active et Réactive
dc.subject Simple Boost Control
dc.subject Système de Stockage
dc.subject Batterie
dc.subject Supercondensateur
dc.subject Système de Pompage
dc.subject Solar Photovoltaic Energy
dc.subject Photovoltaic cell
dc.subject MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking)
dc.subject Power Electronics Converters
dc.subject Boost Converter
dc.subject Voltage Inverter
dc.subject Z Source Inverter
dc.subject Quasi z Source Inverter
dc.subject Active and Reactive Power Control Algorithm
dc.subject الطاقة الكهروضوئية الشمسية
dc.subject الخلية الكهروضوئية
dc.subject (MPPT)تتبع أقصى نقطة طاقة
dc.subject محولات الالكترونية كهربائية
dc.subject محول رافع
dc.subject عاكس الجهد
dc.subject مصدر Z العاكس
dc.subject خوارزمية التحكم في الطاقة النشطة والمتفاعلة
dc.subject نظام تحكم بسيط
dc.subject نظام تخزين
dc.subject البطارية
dc.subject مكثفة كبيرة
dc.subject نظام الضخ
dc.title Contribution a l’étude d’une installation photovoltaïque avec stockage connectée au réseau électrique .
dc.type Thesis

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