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Etude et optimisation des caractéristiques de structures à nanomatériaux et métamatériaux.

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dc.contributor.author Hafdi, Zakarya
dc.contributor.author Chaabi, Abdelhafid
dc.contributor.author Tao, Junwu
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T09:52:48Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T09:52:48Z
dc.date.issued 2021-10-28
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/5798
dc.description.abstract Study and optimization of the characteristics of nanomaterial and metamaterial structures. This present work aims to study periodic structures with metamaterials and nanomaterials. The first part is devoted to the characterization of periodic structures based metamaterial. Discussions have been initiated on the different classes of metamaterials and their corresponding applications. A reminder on materials and their different classes was proposed firstly, then on concrete realisations of metamaterial structures with negative permeabilities or permittivities. The most popular methods for the effective parameter extraction procedure were presented, moving from the classic Nicolson-Ross-Weir procedure to approaches derived from the NRW method. Different resonant structures were analyzed with the presented approaches, based on electromagnetic simulations with HFSS software. In the second part, a study of liquid sensor based on metamaterials was carried out. The optimization of a sensor based on metamaterials for the characterization and analysis of liquid and aqueous solutions of low concentration or volume was carried out leading to a sensor formed by a multispiral split-ring resonator coupled to a nonlinear micro-strip line. Two versions of sensors have been produced, the measurement results of which on mixtures of liquids and aqueous solutions in the presence of chemical species in very low concentrations have shown a high sensitivity comparable or even superior to the performances published recently. These structures also have miniaturized dimensions and a low manufacturing cost.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Electronique: Micro et Nanotechnologies
dc.subject métamatériau
dc.subject structure périodique
dc.subject paramètres effectifs
dc.subject SRR
dc.subject résonateur multispirales
dc.subject capteur
dc.subject optimisation
dc.subject caractérisation liquide
dc.subject metamaterial
dc.subject periodic structure
dc.subject effective parameters
dc.subject multispiral resonator
dc.subject sensor
dc.subject optimization
dc.subject liquid characterization
dc.subject المواد الخارقة
dc.subject هيكل دوري
dc.subject عوامل فعالة
dc.subject SRRمرنان متعدد الحلقات
dc.subject جهاز استشعار
dc.subject تحسين
dc.subject توصيف السائل
dc.title Etude et optimisation des caractéristiques de structures à nanomatériaux et métamatériaux.
dc.type Thesis

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