dc.description.abstract |
This study is part of the context of a multidisciplinary research on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. To assess the quality of water of the Rhumelwadi, its tributaries and the water dams HammamGrouzand BeniHaroun, to the organic pollution and possible metal contamination, we conducted for water and sediment compartments a set of physico-chemical approaches: physical and chemical parameters, major mineral elements, pollution parameters and dosage of five ETM (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn). This research involved five sampling points for the water compartment, both located at the two dams GrouzHammam and BeniHaroun,
and three on the Rhumelwadi, collected twelve times during 2009. For the sediment compartment, sixteen sampling points were selected in strategic locations and sampled twice during the month of January 2010 and April 2010. The set of parameters determined showed organic pollution characterized by fair to poor quality water from the wadiRhumel. Metallic contamination evaluated by SEM is almost negligible dissolved in water but fairly abundant in sediments which could cause high toxicity for aquatic fauna and flora, mainly marked by
levels of Cd, Cr, Zn and Pb higher than the estimated natural levels. The waters of dams HammamGrouzandBeniHaroun are exposed to pollution from various sources (urban,industrial and agricultural ...) despite treatment of wastewater in STEP. Their sediments show a significant metal contamination. A similar situation is observed for the waters of
Rhumelwadi and its tributaries, where the degree of pollution is important.
To remedy this problem, it would be important to better exploit the wastewater treatment plants, a wastewater collection and mastered most comprehensive, well while managing industrial and municipal discharges, which undoubtedly constitute a major threat to ecosystems aquatic. The purified water supply Rhumelwadi, its tributaries and therefore the
two dams HammamGrouzandBeniHaroun. They contribute to the reduced risk of organic pollution and heavy metal contamination of water and sediment compartments, and water conservation for serene life (better water management). |