Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

دراسة مقارنة للتفرع عند النباتات، حالة الحبوب ذات السوق التبنية مثل

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dc.contributor.author زديق, هدى
dc.contributor.author بن لعريبي, مصطفى
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T09:10:38Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T09:10:38Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-12
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/4952
dc.description.abstract The study focused on a few varieties of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.), bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). The experiment was carried out in a glass greenhouse at the Bio-Pôle of the laboratory for Development and Valorisation of plant Genetic Resources in Chaâb Erassas, University of the Mentouri Brothers Constantine 1, for six seasons. The morphological study was carried out in order to study the tillering morphology, and the anatomical study that led to the laboratory at the level of the tillering beds during the 1st phase of the growth in order to follow the formation of the buds of the tillers, through which we selected varieties with high BT potential formed. and then on hard grains (swollen) and grains hardening at the end of the cycle (maturing grain), using the manual method (with a razor blade) and the automatic method (microtome) and stained with Carmino green. The results of the morphological study showed that early tillering from the 4th leaf outlet in all varieties, the number of tillers varies from one species to another, these tillers (branches) can become ears but they are less numerous than the number of vegetative tillers. the anatomical study on the tillering tray (corn), observations of histological sections under Laica photonic microscope and carmin green showed a variation in species and in genera, their number increases in stage L1(one leaf) until L4 (for leaf), then (T1) (one tiller). At stage (T1), Rihane is the largest in number of BT formed, Jaidor being the lowest in this phase compared to other varieties. In (4L), M.Demias formed four tiller buds (4BT) while Faurore was the weakest formed (2BT). In stage (3L), Haurani, Jaidor and Saida 183 formed two buds (2BT), while the other varieties formed one bud (1BT). For stage (2L), Beliouni, M.Demias, Mexipak and Rihane formed two buds (2BT), the two variéties Hedba 3 and Jaidor formed a bud (1BT), while the other varieties Beliouni, F.aurore and Saida 183 did not produce of bud. In stage (1L), both Jaidor and Hedba 3 were observed to be early bud formation with (1BT), whereas Beliouni, F.aurore, M.Demias, Mexipak and Rihane did not have buds. The results of the anatomical study of the durum grain showed that no BT was observed during grain imbibition, while the area below the top was colored pink, indicating that it was primary axillary meristems AXMs. The study showed that durum wheat and barley in the half hard stage had two buds, the coleoptile BC bud and the bud tiller BT at the axil of the first leaf, while in the wheat bread, we could distinguish a bud BC. As far as the cross sections are concerned, we have been able to distinguish the Meristem masses beneath the summit, which shows that Meristems can later differentiate to give BT buds then Tillers. We concluded that AXMs are formed at the embryonic stage and begin to be alerted during germination.
dc.language.iso ar
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject البيولوجيا وعلم البيئة النباتية
dc.subject التقنيات الحيوية، البيولوجيا والمحيط: القواعد البيولوجية للإنتاج والتنوع الحيوي النباتي
dc.subject الإشطاء
dc.subject برعم شطء
dc.subject مرستيمات إبطية
dc.subject Hordeum
dc.subject Triticum Tillering
dc.subject Axillary Meristems
dc.subject Bud Tiller
dc.subject Triticum and Hordeum
dc.subject Tallage
dc.subject Méristèmes Axillaires
dc.subject Bourgeon de Talle
dc.subject Triticum et Hordeum
dc.title دراسة مقارنة للتفرع عند النباتات، حالة الحبوب ذات السوق التبنية مثل
dc.title Triticum و Hordeum.
dc.type Thesis

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