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2022-05-24T08:48:32Z |
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2022-05-24T08:48:32Z |
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1999 |
dc.identifier.uri | |
dc.description |
115 f. |
dc.description.abstract |
In the setting of one survey carrying polymorphism heterohromatic at
some varieties of cultivated wheat in Algeria ; a particular attention was carried
to the differential staining with Giemsa (or C-banding) putting the constitutive
heterochromatin correspondent in evidence to some repeated sequences of ADN.
The obtained results allowed us to identify the'genomes A and B of three
varieties of durum wheat (T durum DESF.), and the genomes A, B and D of two
varieties of common wheat (T aestivum L.). the genomes A and D were less
heterochromatic ; however the genomes B were highly heterochromatic.
Since it exist a heterochromatic variability among varieties in species
T. durum DESF. The cytogenetic analysis of three varieties (Bidi 17, Waha, OuedZenati) reveals a numerous variations : The variety Oeud-Zenati showed
overloading in heterochromatin (intensity and number of C bands) compared to' '
reference variety of Langdon. This results were on the contrary of that of Bidi 17
and Waha varieties ; where Waha variety was moderathly heterochromatic ;
whereas Bidi 17 variety reveals less heterochromatin. This study allowed to
establish a translocation occurrence in 1BL / IRS in Waha variety.
Moreover : the cytogenetic study performed on two varieties of
T aestivum L. Showed a heterochromatic variability ; That is Tessalah variety
was poor in heterochrometin compared to Chinese Spring reference variety ;
however, Ziad variety was rich in heterochromatin. The variations put in
evidence in the two varieties indicated the presence of polymorphism
All the chromosomes wich carry the additional C bands are chromosomes
‘s markers.
Therefore ; the obtained results allow us to advance the relation
hypothesis existing between the heterochromatin abundance of Oued-Zenati and
its adaptation to the difficult climate conditions. |
dc.language.iso |
fr |
dc.publisher |
Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 |
dc.subject |
Biologie |
dc.title |
Etude d'un polymorphisme hétérochromatique chez cinq variétés de blé (Triticum durum desf et tretium aestivum L.) |
dc.type |
Thesis |
dc.coverage |
01 Disponible salle de recherche
02 Disponibles au magasin de la bibliothèque centrale |
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