عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author موهوبي, نور الهدى
dc.contributor.author بوعناقة, السعيد
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-23T09:48:57Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-23T09:48:57Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-23
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/1932
dc.description.abstract Law No. 90-29 of the development and urban planning Code provides a set of legal means to regulate the movement of construction and to ensure the rational exploitation of real estate, as well as to preserve the urban character of the Algerian city, these means are: urban plans, general rules of planning and urban planning and planning decisions. The subdivision permit is considered as being one of the most important urban planning by-laws, it is an effective way to practice the preliminary control to any construction operation, in order to preserve the interest of the public urban planning and to protect the environment, While the build process is done only after partition application; which means the division of an immovable property not built into two or more lots, for the purpose of constructing it, by which the administrative authority requires the owner the execution of land lot development work and linking it to various networks of public and vital interest such as roads, water, electricity, gas, sanitation, telecommunications, lighting public, parking.
dc.language.iso ar
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject القانون الخاص
dc.subject رخصة التجزئة
dc.subject قانون التهيئة والتعمير
dc.subject القانون رقم 90-29
dc.subject العمران
dc.subject شهادة قابلية الاستغلال
dc.subject المرسوم التنفيذي رقم 15-19
dc.subject أشغال التجزئة
dc.subject تجزئة غير مرخصة
dc.subject المحيط العمراني
dc.subject The subdivision permit
dc.subject The development and urban planning Code
dc.subject Law No. 90-29
dc.subject Urban planning
dc.subject Viability certificate
dc.subject Executive Decree No. 15-19
dc.subject Subdivision without permit
dc.subject Urban area
dc.subject Le permis de lotir
dc.subject Le code d’aménagement et d’urbanisme
dc.subject loi n° 90-29
dc.subject l’urbnisme
dc.subject certificat de viabilité
dc.subject Les procédures
dc.subject Décret exécutif n° 15-19
dc.title رخصة التجزئة في التشريع الجزائري.
dc.type Thesis

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هذه المادة تظهر في الحاويات التالية

عرض سجل المادة البسيط

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