Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

الرقابة القضائية و الإدارية على مهنة الموثق.

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dc.contributor.author كرجاني, آسية
dc.contributor.author بوطرفاس, محمد
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-23T09:41:57Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-23T09:41:57Z
dc.date.issued 2019-11-23
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/1827
dc.description.abstract This legal impunity given by the legislator mde the notary very cautions and careful about his actions as if he messes up or falls short he will be held account able by the law and his clients at the same time. -The notary responsability whether it is civil , disciplinary or penalty is very particular when it comes to its limits or when it comesto fixing which side has the right of accountability , also when it comesto warranties . -In terms of how , effective is the discplimary système for protecting the notary’s job and limiting it in exchange of protecting the clients and their rights in case the notary falls short . -we emphasize that the laws ponteson the notary’s responsability in a superficial way only in exchange these haws organized the the notary’s responsabilities widely . One of the forms of this organizing haws and the light regulations is : « controlling rooms » , whether it is local or national . Treatise summary  The professional Errors made by the notary Whether they ar discplinary , civil or penalty are not simple errors , because the notary’s job is very specific , the notary provided his power from the haw at times and from the state at others , mostly from the agreements made with his clients .  And this special character of the notary’s job makes it one of the most dangerous jobs of all time.  He proves his clients actions and makes them official which is a very important duty , so the legislator provided him with a prestigious status , on the other hand the haw imposes very strict penalties in case the notary makes professional mistakes towords the clients , it is his civil responsability towards them .  As a recapitulation we can say that the notary’s responsability is very special in comparison with other professional responsabilities .  It is very severe , emphasized for a good reason , that is to make sure all rights are heserved on one hand and to pay the price of the privilege on the other hand , that made the legislator or the law maker suround the contrats made by the notary with legal impunity because it is cinsidered that is made by the
dc.language.iso ar
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject قانون الخاص: عقود و مسؤولية
dc.title الرقابة القضائية و الإدارية على مهنة الموثق.
dc.type Thesis

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