Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

Contribution à l'étude des caractéristiques physicochimiques ey mycologiques du lait chez quelques races bovines , ovines et caprines dans quelques élevages de la région de Jijel

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dc.contributor.author Boubezari Mohamed Tahar
dc.contributor.author Aissi Miriem
dc.contributor.author Harhoura K.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-23T09:26:12Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-23T09:26:12Z
dc.date.issued 2010-02- 15
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/1608
dc.description 112 f.
dc.description.abstract A study of some physicochemical characteristics was undertaken on milk of three animal species (cow, ewe and goat) and of three bovine races (Red magpie, black magPie and the Brown of the Atlas) bred in the town of Jijel, and on milk coming from subclinic fungic mastitis. For this purpose, 90 milk samples were analyzed at the laboratory of the physicochemical analysis of the ITELV-Baba Ali and at the laboratory of Parasitology-Mycology of the high national veterinary school of Algiers. The rate of the fat contents and proteins are high in the ewes. There is a small difference between the local cows and the ewes and they are very different at the imported bovine races. In the mastitis milk of the same species or of the same animal race, differences in the content of proteins were noted according to mushroom in question. A significant difference was noted for Candida tropicalis in the local cow and highly significant for all the fungic species in the black Magpie.
dc.language.iso fre
dc.subject Sciences Vétérinaires
dc.subject Brebis
dc.subject Lait
dc.subject Levures
dc.subject Mammites
dc.subject Composition physicochimique
dc.subject Vaches
dc.subject Chèvres
dc.subject Jijel
dc.title Contribution à l'étude des caractéristiques physicochimiques ey mycologiques du lait chez quelques races bovines , ovines et caprines dans quelques élevages de la région de Jijel
dc.coverage 01 Disp?nible à la salle de recherche 02 Disponibles au magazin de la B.U.C. 01 CD

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