عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author Badache, Abderrahmane
dc.contributor.author Benmakhlouf, Abdelmalek
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-23T09:15:40Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-23T09:15:40Z
dc.date.issued 2002-04-16
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/1541
dc.description.abstract A retrospective control case study was carried out on 41 farms belonging to the wilaya of Oum El Bouaghi, with the aim of determining the risk factors and also the protective factors associated with the epidemic of foot and mouth disease of 2014. The qualitative questions were aimed at collecting general information on farms, risk factors for the introduction of foot-and-mouth disease (the location of the farm, the operation of the farm, the movement of personnel, the movement of animals, Moving vehicles) and health and medical protections factors, as well as questions to get information about farm officials and their skills. The results of the descriptive study show that several factors are present, the wilaya climate favors the transmission of the foot-and-mouth virus even at short distances, the anarchic distribution of cattle breeding controlled by the nature of the region, and The culture of the population, generates an aspect of agglomeration and farming practices favor the transmission of the disease. The analytical study shows that common grazing is the most likely risk factor in the transmission of foot-and-mouth disease between farms with an Odds ratio of 5.1944 within an estimated confidence interval between 1.2798 and 21.083; And that vaccination of cattle is a protective factor against infection by this virus with an Odds ratio of 0.0611 and an estimated confidence interval between 0.0068 and 0.5477. The results also showed that the incrimination of seniority in breeding practice with two opposing categories, the first between 10 and 20 years as a protective factor with an Odds ratio of 0.2051 and a confidence interval between 0.0536 and 0.7847 and The second over 20 years as a risk factor with an Odds ratio of 7.7727 and a confidence interval between 1.4162 and 42.6611.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Enquête
dc.subject cas/témoin
dc.subject fievre aphteuse
dc.subject élevages bovins
dc.subject facteurs de risque
dc.subject facteurs protecteurs
dc.subject Oum El Bouaghi
dc.title Contribution à l’étude de la fièvre aphteuse en Algérie 2014
dc.title.alternative facteurs de risque dans la wilaya d’Oum El Bouaghi
dc.type Thesis

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