المستودع الرقمي في جامعة الإخوة منتوري قسنطينة 1

Epidemiologie des mammites subcliniques des vaches laitieres dans la wilaya de Constantine.

عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author Hamlaoui, Mohamed Walid
dc.contributor.author Kayoueche, Fatima - Zohra
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-23T09:15:35Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-23T09:15:35Z
dc.date.issued 2017-04-16
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/1538
dc.description.abstract The subclinical mastitis represents the dominant pathology of the breeding dairy cows in the majority of world countries. The controls of such problems pass by the knowledge of the risk factors responsible of the apparition and the persistence of this pathology in the farm, like this the knowledge of the dominant epidemiological models. In our study, we have tested, to determine, by means of the questionnaire destined to the breeders of dairy cows, the control of the risk factors of intramammary infections per the breeders, like this appreciate the prevalence of subclinical mastitis in this breeding by means of the California Mastitis Test (CMT). Our results showed that the quasi totality of farmers did not respect nor the rule, nor the hygiene of milking. The results of the CMT showed that 75% of prevalence of subclinical mastitis in dairy herds, and 40% of subclinical mastitis of dairy cows. Concerning the affected quarters, the CMT results showed that 80% of quarters are healthy, 18% are infected and 2% are not functional.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Hygiene et sante animale: Épidémiologie Appliquée
dc.subject Mammites subcliniques
dc.subject vaches laitières
dc.subject questionnaire
dc.subject CMT
dc.subject prévalence
dc.subject Subclinical mastitis
dc.subject dairy cows
dc.subject prevalence
dc.subject التهاب الضرع تحت السريري
dc.subject البقر الحلوب
dc.subject استفتاء
dc.subject اختبار كاليفورنيا
dc.subject تفشي المرض
dc.title Epidemiologie des mammites subcliniques des vaches laitieres dans la wilaya de Constantine.
dc.type Thesis

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