المستودع الرقمي في جامعة الإخوة منتوري قسنطينة 1

Influence de l’apporten vitamines et antistress sur les performances zootechniques et le profil hématologique chez le poulet de chair.

عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author Choudar, Nedjma
dc.contributor.author Mekroud, A.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-23T09:04:42Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-23T09:04:42Z
dc.date.issued 2019-04-07
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/1505
dc.description.abstract Two groups of 200 broilers, strain ISA15, have been raised in the same building with the same ambient conditions, lighting, and feeding, during two periods, the first, in spring time (April- May). ) and the second in the autumn period (October-November).broilers received three vitamin treatments in the drinking water (chicktonic premix, vitE / selenium and antistress, betamint)from 1day to 48 day. In order to avoid cases of rickets or growth retardation, as well as breeding stress , all chickens in the summer treated with chicktonic as miltivitamin and betamint. The lots were identified according to the following therapeutic schema: control lot CH (chicktonic 1ml /, betamint 1ml / then 2ml / l from day 41). Lot CH + 41 (chicktonic 1ml / l then 2.5 ml / l from day 41, betamint, same as controllot ). Lot CH + 13 (chicktonic 1ml / l, then increasing the dose gradually from day 13). Lot VitE / Se + 41 (1ml / l then 2.5 ml / l from day 41, betamint, same as controllot ). Lot VitE / Se + 13 (1ml / l, then increase the dose gradually from day 13). Lot Bet + 13: chicktonic 1ml / l, betamint 1ml / l, then increase the dose gradually from day 13). The results obtained are significant at the p< 0.05, for live weight, yields, and blood profile. We obtained the best live weight (2821.33 g ± 229.77) with the increase in the dose of vitamin E / Selenium from day 41. Increased doses of chicktonic from day 41 improved performance, IC (2.08 ± 1.0) and IP (358.24 ± 313.25) and CV% (8.3), as well as serum cholesterol (1.23 g / l ± 0.17) and blood glucose (2.34 g / l ± 0.21), but carcass yield (74.70% ± 4.99) and that of organs are better when the doses were increased from day 13. Increasing the selvite dose from day 13 gave a lower IC (1.6 ± 1.6). The organ yield is better with the lowest abdominal fat yield (0.69 ± 0.28). The increase in dose of antistressBetamint, gave a high level of total protein (34.50 g / l ± 4.63), that of cholesterol (1.32 g / l ± 0.17) and that white blood cells (952.2610 ^ 3 / μl ± 26.60). With respect to the mortality rate, the three treatments gave low values between 0.10% and 0.33%.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Hygiene et sante animale:aviculture et Pathologie de la volaille
dc.subject vitamines
dc.subject poulet de chair
dc.subject performances
dc.subject hématologie
dc.subject vitamins
dc.subject broiler
dc.subject performance
dc.subject hematology
dc.subject الفيتامينات
dc.subject دواجن لاحمة
dc.subject كفاؤات وجودةالسلالة
dc.subject الاستقلاب و التعبيرات الدموية
dc.title Influence de l’apporten vitamines et antistress sur les performances zootechniques et le profil hématologique chez le poulet de chair.
dc.type Thesis

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