dc.description.abstract |
Species of the genus Oedipoda are robust with rough integuments. Pronotum with
median keel high in the prozone, low in the metazone and deeply cut by the typical furrow.
Tegmina reaching or exceeding apex of posterior femora; adorned with three transverse
brown bands; the third near the apex not always clear. Robust posterior femora. Surveys were
carried out for ten years of study in several localities in eastern Algeria, the most responded
species were bivoltine but others were univoltine. The work was carried out according to the
results found on the ground, the calculations of comparisons are made from the same site and
between sites. The specie: Oedipoda miniata miniata, was the most widespread in the field
and had a wide geographical distribution, which makes it a very strong link in the trophic
chain in terms of consumer and crop pest at the same time |
fr_FR |