dc.description.abstract |
The realization of optical integrated circuits require high-speed logic devices such as ultracompact all-optical logic gates. In our work, we have proposed different logic gate structures
based on linear and nonlinear effect 2D-PCs, the optimization of their opto-geometric
parameters of which makes it possible to exploit the telecom wavelength of 1550 nm. These
must be competitive with their predecessors in terms of size, contrast ratio, response time and
ease of integration.
Compact size equal to 72.8 μm2 of NOT / XOR and OR / XOR logic gates are designed
via a “T” -shaped and cross-shaped waveguide in three nano-resonators to create an
interference effect in order to provide excellent light coupling. The simulated results are proven
by the optimization of the reduced and extended radius. The NOT and XOR gates have an
excellent contrast ratio of 54.83 dB and 55.23 dB, the response time is estimated at 0.1256 ps
and 0.136. In the same context, we present a complete new series of logic gates using CPh-2D
on a disconnected array adopted from rods of a linear gallium arsenide material in an air
background. These designs are formed by compiling an interference based fault and a ring
resonator. In addition, controlling the behavior of light is very useful in many optical circuits
such as all-optical processing, computing and network systems. For this, an all-optical switch
was used in order to block the passage of light only at a well-defined wavelength, in our case
λc = 1550.3 nm. This resonance wavelength can be modified to ensure the transition from an
""ON"" state to the ""OFF"" state by exploiting the nonlinear Kerr effect. The proposed structures
characterized by an ultra-small size of 160.6 µm2. They have a low power consumption
detected between 0.7 and 1.6 mW/µm2. Therefore, a high intensity contrast equal to 23.42 dB
/ 23.22 dB and a delay time of 20 fs / 30 fs for the OR and AND gates respectively. The
simulation results, which will be presented in this manuscript, will be supported by plane wave
calculations and the FDTD method, carried out using the “BandSOLVE” and “FullWAVE”
simulators of the RSoft software available at the LMI laboratory. |
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