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النظام الإجرائي للمنازعات أمام مجلس المنافسة فـي القانون الجزائري.

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dc.contributor.author بولعراس, أحمد
dc.contributor.author نقاش, حمزة
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-11T10:40:04Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-11T10:40:04Z
dc.date.issued 2022-03-30
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/13053
dc.description.abstract Protecting competition from practices that restrict it does not depend only on the formulation of static objective rules, but it necessarily requires the existence of procedural rules to move it and bring it out of the state of stagnation, This indicates the coherence of the procedural rules with the substantive rules, As there are practices restricting competition as specified in the amended complement order No 03-03 that is related to competition. It gives legitimacy to the penalty and the embodiment for it. This is only after taking into account and respecting the follow-up procedures . The latter of which all fall within the framework of the content of economic control aimed to protect competition more than protecting competitors . The procedures followed before the competition Council , as a body charged with regulating competition in general, can be limited into four stages . successive stages, starting with the notification stage untile the adjudication of the case , by taking the decision after the council’s deliberation and implementing it against the violating institution, passing through the investigation stage, without neglecting the right of the condemned institutio to file an appeal before the judicial authority competent . fr_FR
dc.language.iso ar fr_FR
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 fr_FR
dc.subject القانون الخاص: قانون الاعمال fr_FR
dc.subject قانون الاعمال: قانون المنافسة والإستهلاك fr_FR
dc.title النظام الإجرائي للمنازعات أمام مجلس المنافسة فـي القانون الجزائري. fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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