Afficher la notice abrégée بلجدوي, بسمة بوذراع, بلقاسم 2022-06-19T09:56:01Z 2022-06-19T09:56:01Z 2018-04-19
dc.description.abstract The development of the sector of insurance in Algeria and the important taken in the national economy has done from the responsible structures of the activity and of the insurance operations and those representing companies and insurance intermediaries that is propagate fully, what made the State intervene and impose a control on these structures. From this, we had proceed to a study that the object is “Organising and regulating the sector of insurance” by talking, on the first hand, about the organisation of the insurance, on clarifying the concept of companies and insurance intermediaries and its organisation showing the method to exercise its activity of insurance. On the other hand, about the regulation of the insurance sector, we have studied the most important fields of the regulation of the sector and its control by the State, showing the different responsible devices of the insurance control, over their heads, the committee of insurances supervision, the minister charged by finances and the National Council of Insurances as a advisory body. fr_FR
dc.language.iso ar fr_FR
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 fr_FR
dc.subject القانون الخاص: قانون التأمينات fr_FR
dc.subject شركات التأمين fr_FR
dc.subject وسطاء التأمين fr_FR
dc.subject لجنة الاشراف عن التأمينات fr_FR
dc.subject الوزير المكلف بالمالية fr_FR
dc.subject الرقابة و الضبط fr_FR
dc.title تنظيم و ضبط قطاع التأمين. fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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