استعرض Posters - PT حسب العنوان

فرز حسب: رتب: النتائج:

  • TAIBI, H (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-12-16)
    Some applications of gauged unparticles carrying the standard model quantum numbers through one loop radiative corrections are discussed. Higgs deay modes are also presented
  • HAMAM, D; BELALOUI, N (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-12-16)
    We propose the previous study of the spinning string theory between tow parallel Dp-branes. This permits us to see that the important of D-branes in string theory. The spectrum have been found and the tachyonic states ...
  • TOUMIAT, C; BOUAFIA, M (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-12-16)
    Physical concept has been applied to space observation by using images and data of LANDASAT 7 in order to to extract quantitative information about the studied areas facilitate . the final product should respect a norm ...
  • AIT MEZIANE, F.A; BENSLAMA, A (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-12-16)
    Using super quantum gates, some arithmetic operations are discussed. The performance properties of these new proposed gates are also presented
  • MORCHEDI, A (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-12-16)
    General features of PT symmetric Hamiltonians are discussed and some physical applications are presented. Some perspectives are also proposed
  • MALKI, A (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-12-16)
    Finsler cosmology is reviewed and new aspects in explaining the accelerated expansion of the universe are shown
  • HARRAT, M (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-12-16)
    Some new features of the recently proposed model based on the Frohlich- Chamssedine approach to non commutative geometry for the 331 model are presented and some phenomenological aspects are discussed
  • BOUNEKDJA, B (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-12-16)
    Some models using the canonical approachs of quantum gravity are constructed. Viability of these models once applied to cosmology are discussed
  • MOHADI, A (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-12-16)
    Some viable models in a 5D space-time are presented and Friedman like equations are also obtained. A dynamical study is also investigated
  • BETROUCHE, M (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-12-16)
    We use Feshbach-Villars formalism and time dependent unitary transformation to solve Klein-Gordon equation with time dependent linear potential. In the adiabatic approximation a geometric amplitude factor is obtained
  • ZOUIOUECHE, M; BOULJDEDRI, A (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-12-16)
    A styudy of the systematics of B(E3) values for nuclei throughout the periodic table shows clear enhancements at certain neutron numbers. These neutron numbers are in remarkably good agreement with those predicted by ...
  • FISLI, M (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-12-16)
    The production of the top quarks within the NCG approach is discussed and some new features of the cross sections and signatures are also shown
  • CHOUDER, B (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-12-16)
    Using the tunneling effect method near the black hole horizon and the WKB approximation for both fermionic and bosonic particles, some aspects are shown and discussed in a de Sitter-Schwarchild space-time type

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