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Browsing Actes CIEMEAP 2016 by Subject "Algeria"

Browsing Actes CIEMEAP 2016 by Subject "Algeria"

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  • BADNI, N; BENHERAOUA, F. Z; TADJER, B; BOUDJEMAA, A; EL HAMEUR, H; BACHARI, K (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-10-31)
    The environmental protection and remediation of environmental problems became major issues of the 21st century. However, nanotechnology is now regarded as a distinct field of research in modern science and technology. ...
  • LAIDI, M; HANINI, S (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2016-10-31)
    The present work investigates the potential of artificial neural network (ANN) model to predict the horizontal global solar radiation (HGSR). The ANN is developed and optimized using three years meteorological database ...

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