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Aptitude technologique de trois formules à base de riz pour la fabrication de pain sans gluten.

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dc.contributor.author Benkara Mostefa, Sabrina
dc.contributor.author Zidoune, Mohammed Nasreddine
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-25T09:38:51Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-25T09:38:51Z
dc.date.issued 2012-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/10174
dc.description 142 f.
dc.description.abstract The objective of this research is to contribute to the manufacture of gluten-free bread, by testing the technological aptitude of a formulation containing rice and of dry legumes with a mass report/ratio of 2/1 respectively. Tree formulas were tested: rice-field bean (R1F), ricechickpea (R1PC), rice-pea (R1PP). The introduction of the effect of the stoving of rice duplicated the formulas while giving: stoving rice-field bean (R2F), stoving rice-chickpea (R2PC), stoving rice -pea (R2PP). The determination of the intervals of hydration and feasibility of the formulas implemented was carried out on the choice of the best criteria adapted to the technology of panification. Then three points of each interval were selected to test their value baker by the Chopin alveograph and by the test of panification. The results alveographic indicated that among the studied formulas, the R1F at the rate of hydration TH'1/4=80% presented it “G” and it “W” closest with the witness flour. “P/L” remains among the best recorded. Concerning the formulas containing stoving rice, the R2PC at the rate of hydration TH'1/4=143% showed it “G” and it “W” closest with the witness. “P/L” remains among the best recorded. However, the indices alveographic of the formulas (R1) and (R2) significantly remain lower than the witness. The indices alveographic of the formulas (R2) were further away from the witness than those of the formulas (R1). Consequently, the stoving of rice lowered the value baker of formulas tested. The change of the rates of hydration decreased the indices alveographic of the formulas (R1 and R2) with each time the rate of hydration increases. The sensory analysis of the results of panification showed that the breads (R1) were judged of quality lower than that of the pilot bread (color, texture and odor). The breads (R2) had volumes visually identical to the breads (R1). On the other hand, the crusts and the crumbs were of quality lower than that of the breads (R1). In conclusion, the stoving of rice decreased the sensory characteristics of the gluten-free breads. Bread R1PC had the volume specific of bread (Vsp) nearest to that to the pilot bread to TH'1/2=93.2% and the volume specific of crumb (Vsm) nearest to that to the pilot crumb with TH'3/4=106.1. Concerning the breads containing stoving rice, bread R2F with TH'3/4=160.6 had the volume specific of bread nearest to that to the pilot bread. On the other hand, it had to the same rate of hydration the specific volume of crumb low. Nevertheless, specific volumes of all the breads (R1 and R2) significantly remain lower than those of the pilot bread. The whole of the results which with reached the present study has proved the possibility of manufacturing gluten-free breads starting from the formulas tested but with a technological and organoleptic quality lower than that of the pilot bread. This work constitutes an approach of the possibility of substituting the tender wheat flour by gluten-free formulas in the technology of panification.
dc.format 31 cm.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Nutrition, Alimentation et Technologies Agro-Alimentaires
dc.subject Sciences Alimentaires: Biochimie et Technologies Alimentaires
dc.subject maladie coeliaque
dc.subject riz
dc.subject étuvage
dc.subject féverole
dc.subject pois chiche
dc.subject pois protéagineux
dc.subject pain sans gluten
dc.subject alvéographe
dc.subject celiac disease
dc.subject rice
dc.subject stoving
dc.subject bean
dc.subject chick-pea
dc.subject pea
dc.subject gluten-free bread
dc.subject alveograph
dc.subject مرض عدم تحمل الغلوتين
dc.subject أرز
dc.subject تبخير
dc.subject تبخير
dc.subject فول
dc.subject حمص
dc.subject بازلاء
dc.subject ألفيوغراف وبان
dc.subject تصنيع الخبز
dc.title Aptitude technologique de trois formules à base de riz pour la fabrication de pain sans gluten.
dc.type Thesis
dc.coverage 2 copies imprimées disponibles

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