Afficher la notice abrégée Gherairia, Nesrine Zidoune, Mohammed Nasreddine 2022-05-25T09:38:48Z 2022-05-25T09:38:48Z 2011-06-27
dc.description 108 f.
dc.description.abstract The formulation of the gluten-free bread with rice and field bean flours was developed, by employing a central-composite experimental design to two factors (Xanthan and Hydratation) and five levels and optimized, by the use of the Response Surface Methodology. The effects of the addition of xanthan gum on the rheology properties of the paste and the quality parameters of bread were studied. The rheological characterization of the Xanthan-Hydration couples of the rice- field bean formula realized by the Chopin alveograph, showed that there is an improvement of the all rheological parameters (W, P/L and G) in relation to the addition of xanthan gum, while remaining lower than the values of common wheat witness thus to the Algerian and French breadmaking standards. The baking tests of the Xanthan-Water couples gave similar color breads to that of the witness and various specific volumes and crumb alvéolations. Thus the gluten-free bread samples which gave the Vsp closest to the common wheat witness (3,56 ± 0,22 cm3 / g) locate in the area including the couple of intervals [0-0,20%] xanthan and [92,5- 95%] water. The ability to manufacture gluten-free bread is then checked on XanthanHydration couples drawn from the optimum field obtained by superposition of the responses level curve of the configuration report (P/L) and specific volume (Vsp). Specific volumes of the gluten-free breads in this field are significantly proportional to the xanthan rates (r = 0,99) while remaining, lower than that witness. The GFB samples which gave the Vsp nearest to the common wheat witness corresponds to the Xanthan-Hydration couple (0,19, 93,38) with 3,06 ± 0,07 cm3 /g and a crumb grain coarser than that witness.
dc.format 31 cm.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Nutrition, Alimentation et Technologies Agro-Alimentaires
dc.subject Nutrition, Alimentation et Technologies Agro-Alimentaires
dc.subject Technologies Alimentaires: Sciences Alimentaires
dc.subject Pain sans gluten
dc.subject formule Riz-Féverole
dc.subject méthodologie des surfaces de réponses caractérisation rhéologique
dc.subject tests de panification
dc.subject gluten-free bread
dc.subject rice-field bean formula
dc.subject Response Surface Methodology
dc.subject rheological characterization
dc.subject baking tests
dc.subject خبز خال من الغلوتین
dc.subject الصیغة أرز-فول
dc.subject منھجیة الاستجابة السطحیة
dc.subject التوصیف الریولوجیة
dc.subject تجارب صناعة الخبز
dc.title Pain sans gluten pour malades coeliaques
dc.title aptitude technologique d'une formule riz-féverole.
dc.type Thesis
dc.coverage 2 copies imprimées disponibles

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